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Consider increasing your pledge to $156 to be entered into the United Way raffle

Your gift of $2,600 can provide five children (4-5 years of age) that are below the developmental range for early reading success with a 32 month pre-literacy program to correct those delays putting them on the road to reading success.

Why it matters: Let's be honest – very few things lead to self-reliance, or the lack of it, than being able to communicate and use language skills effectively, to be literate and have the ability to read. In fact, 85% of all juveniles who interface with the juvenile court system are functionally illiterate.

Car Raffle: Your generous gift qualifies you for TWO entry to win a 2 year lease on a 2022 Subaru Outback courtesy of Dellenbach Motors


Your gift of $1300 can provide three hours of job training for twelve adults to increase their income and self-sufficiency.

Why it matters: Only 47.7% of jobs in Larimer County could sustain a family of four.

Car Raffle: Your generous gift qualifies you for TWO entry to win a 2 year lease on a 2022 Subaru Outback courtesy of Dellenbach Motors


Your gift of $520 can provide a local family with scholarships for quality, affordable child care.

Why it matters: 90% of brain development occurs by age five, and kindergarten readiness is a key indicator of life long academic success.

Car Raffle: Your generous gift qualifies you for TWO entry to win a 2 year lease on a 2022 Subaru Outback courtesy of Dellenbach Motors.


Your gift of $260 can provide one-on-one after-school mentoring for a local student to improve their grades.

Why it matters: 16% of Larimer County students don't graduate on time. Mentoring is a proven way for kids to improve their grades.

Car Raffle: Your generous gift qualifies you for ONE entry to win a 2 year lease on a 2022 Subaru Outback courtesy of Dellenbach Motors.


Your gift of $130 can provide five nights in an emergency homeless shelter to help a local family find stable housing.

Why it matters: 36,000 Larimer County residents live in poverty, including 9% of children under age 18 and 7% of residents 65+.



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Jan 01, 2025

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